General Information

The international workshop on Crystalline Silicon For Solar Cells (CSSC) is an influential and authoritative scientific and technological weather vane industry event in the international photovoltaic field. So far, it has been successfully held in seven countries, including China, the United States, Germany, France, Japan, Norway and Portugal.

The 12th edition of CSSC will be hosted by Zhejiang University in Hangzhou in China, from May 28th to May 30th, 2024. The CSSC workshop will be the key event for sharing, discussing and understanding the newest developments and upcoming trends in the silicon material and silicon photovoltaics. The focus will be on science and advanced technologies of crystalline silicon materialsfor solar cells. The program will include invited and contributed oral and poster presentations in addition to open forum discussions on selected topics.


Important Date

Open Submission: December 1st, 2023
Deadline Submission: January 20th, 2024
Conference Dates: May 28-30th, 2024

Submission Method

The scientific committee invites you to submit your latest and best results as an abstract for CSSC-12. Please submit your abstract here.

 Submit Now

Listener Registration

If you want to registrate as a listener, click here.

 Register Now

Call for Papers

The Scientific Committee invites you to submit your latest and best results as an abstract for CSSC-12. Authors of selected abstracts will be encouraged to publish their results in Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells or Micro and Nanostructures. Authors who wish to pursue this option must send up to two additional pages with complementary results to the abstract, including a brief description and interpretation, for assessment. Text must come with the same format as the abstract, as an additional file.

Submit to your latest research results in science and technology of crystalline silicon related materials for solar cells no later than December 30th.

Topics of Interests

Hot topics to be covered by the workshop:

 Fundamental materials science related to crystalline silicon solar cells
• Silicon feedstock technologies
• Crystallization of multicrystalline, quasi-mono, monocrystalline silicon
• Advanced wire sawing and emerging kerfless technologies
• Novel materials and processing for advanced cell architecture
• Impact of silicon material to the performance of cell, module and PV system
• Degradation phenomena related to silicon materials on cell and module performance (e.g. LID, LeTID, PID, hotspot, etc.)
• Silicon based heterojunction solar cells (e.g. perovskite, CdTe, CIGS on silicon)


All the authors need to complete the registration first in order for participation. Please choose the correct role to attend the conference and pay the registration fee accordingly.


Hangzhou is located on the southeast coast of China. It has been the center of the political and cultural heritage of China since ancient times, and it has a history of more than 2200 years as a city with numerous scenic spots and historical sites.
Hangzhou is the most famous tourist city in China. It is always known as the “City of Heaven”. West Lake lies on the west edge of Hangzhou, and it is the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful sights in China.
The whole of Hangzhou has a relaxed tropical atmosphere, and you will be always welcome with international and traditional Chinese hospitality.

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